Sibuyan: Another “Last Frontier?”

Sometime back, Sibuyan Island in Romblon province was known primarily for Mt. Guiting-Guiting. Because the latter is one of the most challenging peaks to scale in the country, Sibuyan has attracted mostly mountaineers. In recent times, a newly discovered attraction brought in non-hikers: the remote island of Cresta de Gallo. The latter was the major reason why this senior couple embarked on a trip to secluded Sibuyan. Within a few days, however, we would discover that this major island has so much more to offer besides Mt. Guiting-Guiting and Cresta de Gallo.

Rambling Through Romblon 3: Romblon Island and Town, Sights and Distant Sounds

Romblon Island might offer plenty of pristine, natural beauty but our two visits also revealed a cultural and historical depth. Along with its paradisical white sand beaches, crystal-clear turquoise waters and breathtaking viewpoints, Romblon also features several historical and cultural touchstones – a delightful mix that is not so easy to find anywhere else in the country.

Lubang Island: OksiMin’s Enigmatic, Hidden Gem

Known among Filipinos as the hiding place of Hiroo Onoda, one of the last Japanese Word War 2 stragglers to surrender, Lubang Island remains something of an enigma. It is located just 40 kilometers west of Calatagan, Batangas, or 117 kilometers southwest of Manila yet seems like a remote destination. Few people are aware of its long white sandy beaches, picturesque rock formations, marine biodiversity, and unspoiled rainforests.

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